10 ways to raise your vibration
“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.
The time is now to raise your vibration! Why? Because you deserve it and so does the world.
You may be wondering what this means. Everything in the universe is made of pure energy. Molecules vibrating at different speeds, both fast or slow. Nothing is solid and separation is an illusion. This isn’t theory, this is a proven fact by quantum physics. Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
We are pure energy moving at a very fast pace and we have our own vibrational frequency. When you start to perceive yourself in this way, as a ‘spiritual’ being untouched by space and time, and unrestricted by an apparently physical body, the barriers within you will begin to dissipate. Your vibration level or frequency affects every part of your life. A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing.
You create your own reality, and like attracts like. Many people have heard of the law of attraction. This states that whatever you focus on with your attention, you attract into your life. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
Humans are very similar to radios. Radio waves can be heard but remain unseen. Your vibrational frequency is continually being broadcast out into the universe. It emanates from your cumulative thoughts, emotions and consciousness. The energy you are sending out is attracting people, opportunities, and similar experiences, both good and bad. The higher your vibration is, the more positive things you will attract into your life. And vice versa, the lower your vibration is, the more negative things you will attract.
The best way to gauge where your frequency is at is to tune into the way you’re feeling. Ask yourself how you feel. When you are in a good mood, your vibration will be higher. When you are in a bad mood, it will be lower.
Whats beautiful about this is that you have the power to change your vibration at any time. Following is a list of 10 ways you can raise your vibration:
Gratitude is a fast way to raise your vibration. Try it right now—stop reading and look around the room. Turn your attention to what you are thankful for in this moment (there is always something). We forget how much we have that other people do not. When you feel yourself experiencing a low energy emotion, see if you can shift your attention to gratitude. Make gratitude a habit, and it will transform your outlook on life as you start to experience a spiritual awareness and appreciation for the little things. To tap into the gratitude frequency, practice saying thank you to people in your life more regularly, and keep a daily gratitude journal listing everything you appreciate about yourself, your life and the world.
Meditation is such an efficient way to raise your vibrational energy. There are many studies that explain how the practice of meditation strengthens the most evolved portion of the human brain which is the frontal lobe. Strengthening the frontal lobe increases abstract thought, cognitive reasoning, creativity and positivity. Also, it has been scientifically proven that meditation triggers the brain to release neurotransmitters like endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These are linked to different aspects of happiness from simple pleasure to a deep sense of calmness. Even taking five minutes out of your day to meditate will cause a huge shift in your vibration. Over time, this practice will raise your energetic frequency and contribute to a happier, more uplifted experience of yourself, others and the world at large.
Listen to positive affirmations
Affirmations can create a positive mindset as well as enhance our life experiences. Your thoughts and self-image shape you, hence the saying, “You are what you think.” Affirmations are powerful, positive statements that aim to direct your conscious and subconscious mind, challenging previously held unhealthy and negative thinking patterns. Positive affirmations will aid you in creating positive thinking patterns which will raise your vibration. When you say something over and over, you will eventually believe in it. At first it may seem weird but stick with it and in time you will benefit tremendously.
Move your body
Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, hiking, or yoga, physical exercise can help get you out of mental or emotional ruts and boost healthy endorphins. Not only does exercise improve our physical health, but it keeps our minds healthy as well. When we have a healthier body it is easier to feel better and have high vibrational emotions. Get your heart pumping at least once everyday and watch how much your energy levels will change.
Put high quality food and drinks in your body
Be mindful with what you’re putting in your body. Like the saying goes, you are what you eat. Be sure to eat high vibrational organic foods like fruits and vegetables and if your consuming animal foods, make sure it is grass fed grass finished. Listen to your body and do your own extensive research on which diet best fits you. There is not a one diet fits all solution because everyone has different genetics and different bodies. Drink plenty of spring water and stay hydrated. Minimize or eliminate drinking alcohol. Alcohol has been used to lower peoples vibration for a very long time.
Lastly, invest in high quality supplements. A lot of food in this day and age is devoid of nutrition. Even if your eating organic, it doesn’t guarantee that you will be getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally. When you put quality in you will get quality out and this will raise your vibration tremendously.
Get plenty of Vitamin N
The energy of the earth is pure. It’s beautiful, and light, and has been sustaining life on earth since the beginning of civilization. The majority of us live within a concrete jungle. Give yourself plenty of time to get out into nature and breathe some fresh air. Whether that’s going to a park, hiking up a mountain, going to the beach, going to the forest, etc. Go outside and get into the elements. Let the sun shine kiss your body. These are things we often can forget about when we spend so much time indoors but they are such a simple way to add more happiness, peace, and clarity to your life.
Find a way to laugh and raise your vibration. Once you let go and really laugh you will feel lighter. This lighter feeling you are experiencing is your vibration rising to the place is was designed to be. Have you ever noticed that when someone is laughing, you don’t even need to know why and it instantly makes you feel happier? Of course you have. Who hasn’t? Science actually has proven that laughter creates a positive social bond. Laughing is a powerful technique for raising your vibration.
Listen to high vibrational music
Listening to cheerful, uplifting music like different sound frequencies, nature sounds, or meditation music to name a few. This is an instant way to raise your vibration. Be sure the music you listen to is of high vibration and leaves you feeling uplifted rather than depleted. Does the music you listen to include violent or low vibrational lyrics? Be as selective about your music intake as you are about the quality of the food you eat, and you will find newfound energy in your day.
Get around positive people
Like the saying goes, you become the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. Analyze the people you are around the most and look at the way they are living. Pay attention to how they make you feel. How do you behave when you are around them? Are they uplifting you or bringing you down? Are you your most authentic, empowered self, or do you put on a mask that disguises who you truly are? Negative people tend to drain others of power because they have none to offer themselves, so avoid these types of energy vampires whenever possible. Spend time only with people who make you feel better about yourself, people who believe in you, and are interested in resonating at a high frequency just like you are.
Unplug from technology
I think we can all agree that we feel better when we disconnect. Yes, technology can be beneficial but too much can negatively impact your energy field and drain spiritual life force. All electronic devices emit subtle, invisible electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that negatively affect us at a cellular level. Be sure to do a digital detox as often as possible. Limiting your technology usage will help strengthen your energy field and raise your vibration.
This is a list of only 10 ways to raise your vibration. Do your own research and you will find that there are many other ways one can accomplish this task. This is important work that mustn’t be taken lightly.
When you take responsibility for your own vibration, other people will notice your shift and want to do the same. You are then, in essence, uplifting the vibration of the world. Together we can change the world for the better. Wait no longer, the time is now. Be the change you wish to see.